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No Limits Anymore: Optimal Performance with UTC Tendinopathy Ultrasound

our innovative solution

Insight in Equine Tendons

The UTC System is a combination of the Terason Ultrasound Scanner, UTC Imaging software and the UTC Tracker

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Accelerate Healing, Enhance Performance

We believe that early detection, precise treatment, and systematic monitoring are essential for better quality of life and enhanced performance.

Our mission is to empower medical specialists to achieve this goal with affordable, accessible, and highly reliable tools.


What experts in the field say

At Trackside Technologies, we demand the cutting edge in tendon imaging technology. With groundbreaking research into tendon pathology in both human and equine athletes, it is simply not enough to rely on traditional ultrasound and MRI. UTC imaging is currently our most powerful tool in staging, monitoring and rehabilitating tendinopathies. We recommend UTC imaging as an emerging, novel and exciting way of looking at a challenging and often debilitating pathology.

Trackside Technologies – Innovative Tendon Care, Melbourne, Australia

In my view, UTC imaging offers new perspectives in the non-invasive characterization of equine tendon tissue. In the Equine Clinic of the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover, we use it to monitor tendon injuries after different forms of intralesional treatment. Including client owned horses into scientific studies has become much easier, as the use of UTC imaging is more than well accepted by clients. At the same time, it helps to design individual rehabilitation programs.

Dr. F. Geburek

Dipl. ECVS, Equine Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany

Note the innovation of ‘ultrasound tissue characterisation’ – a novel way of quantifying ultrasound images. An innovation from the thoroughbred racing industry and possibly the next big thing in imaging-this is a ‘giant leap’ rather than a small step.

Quote from the editorial “Ultrasound as the new stethoscope” in British Journal of Sports Medicine 2010 (December);44 (16)

Professor Karim Khan

Editor of the British Journal of Sports Medicine
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